Sunday, February 17, 2019

Dr. Brooke Goldner and the Healing Protocol

If you have an autoimmune condition and think you can't be healed, think again. Enough with the brainwashing from the medical community!

For the last couple weeks I've been following Dr. Brooke Goldner's healing protocol because I am trying to rid the inflammation from my body and cure my psoriatic arthritis. If you've never heard of Dr. Goldner, she is amazing! She suffered from lupus for over a decade and went through chemotherapy and lots of prescription drugs. She decided to try to eat her way to health and make some lifestyle improvements and she HEALED her lupus and has been disease-free for many years now. Her blood test reflects these changes and she has no symptoms, either. This is unheard of and amazing!

Thoughtcloud CBD

Also, she gives advice out FOR FREE and has a ton of information on YouTube, Facebook (including free groups you can join), her website, and more. For a fee you can book a private consultation with her, but much of the information is given freely. She has free live webinars every few weeks as well. How amazing is this?

I plan on starting a YouTube series to reveal my results and progress as I follow the protocol more closely and report my results. If you have any kind of autoimmune disorder or just don't feel too well and want to improve your health, check out Dr. Goldner! You will be so happy you did because I already felt a great reduction in my amount of pain after only the first few days! She focuses on hyper-nourishment (I think that's what she calls it), more omega 3's, more sleep, and LOTS of water as the basis for starting to heal. Of course, there's more to it than that, but that's basically a good start.

You can find lots of free videos on YouTube, Facebook, and her site, as I mentioned, and she also has several books available on Amazon. Let me know in the comments if you've ever heard of Dr. Goldner or tried her healing advice. Best wishes!

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